At ETÉREO, we blend traditional Bwiti wisdom with modern therapeutic and medical support, ensuring a safe and deeply honoring experience. Our team holds a compassionate, direct, and supportive approach, empowering you to take full responsibility for your journey.

Iboga is a powerful medicine that requires courage, readiness, and trust.
If you feel called to this path, we invite you to take the next step.

Welcome Gift


March 29 - April 5

Villa Hope
Todos Santos, BCS


June 7 - 14

Todos Santos, BCS


Private Retreats

4 Days - 1 Ceremony
Todos Santos, BCS

April, May, October & December

November Dates TBD

Todos Santos, BCS


  • Day 1

    • Check In & Venue Orientation

    • Family Dinner

    • Opening Circle

    Day 2

    • Light food and decaf

    • Yoga with Ty

    • Breakfast

    • 1:1 Consultations

    • Lunch

    • Medicine Talk

    • Medical Check Up/Phone Drop

    • Fire Talk

    Day 3

    Rest, Recovery, Introspection
    We will check in on you throughout the day and all meals will be available to you.

    Day 4

    • Breakfast

    • Massages with Kristin

    • IVs with Carlea

    • Lunch

    • Spiritual Shower

    • Dinner

    Day 5

    • Light food and decaf

    • Breakfast

    • Workshop with Violet

    • Lunch

    • 1:1 Consultations

    • Medical Check Up/Phone Drop

    • Fire Talk

    Day 6

    • Breakfast

    • Senses Workshop

    • Massage

    • Dinner

    • Closing Circle

    Day 8

    • Breakfast

    • Airport Shuttle Departure and goodbyes


Chris, November 2024

Milton, October 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We ask that you fly into the Los Cabos International Airport (SJD) by 3pm for your airport shuttle pickup. The venue is about an hour and a half drive from the airport. As a reminder, your flight is not included in the cost of the retreat. Please be sure your passport is valid.

    There are currently no nationwide travel restrictions in Mexico. Additionally, you no longer need a negative COVID-19 test to return to the United States. As always, pay attention to any symptoms you may be experiencing and be mindful of exposure in the weeks leading up to the retreat. Please reference our policy for more information on deposits, refunds etc.

    We currently host our retreats in luxury brand aligned venues during the build of our retreat center. Photos available upon request.

  • A portion of your retreat fee will go to Blessings of the Forest and our direct connections to the Bwiti via Bwiti Roots (non profit) so that we can give back to the communities of Gabon and plant iboga trees.

    We ask for a 50% deposit to hold your space for the retreat. Please review our policy agreement for information on refunds.

    Please don't hesitate to request a payment plan and let us know what you might need. We never want to turn away anyone solely due to finances.

    Please email info@etereobaja.mx to request a partial scholarship. Available to BIPOC, LGBTQ+, single parents and low income households.

    Our retreats are all-inclusive with minimal add-on offerings. We will primarily be on-site at the venue in a closed container due to the nature of the healing modalities we offer.

    When traveling, having some cash on hand is always recommended in case of emergency.

  • All iboga retreats require medical screening prior to attendance including blood work and an EKG.

    We have an experienced medical team who approves all medical tests and intake paperwork. All retreats have medical supervision on site and we require vitals to be checked on the evening of each ceremony.

    Some contraindications have proven to be fatal, so full transparency along with approved paperwork from your doctor is required.

  • All iboga retreats have a group preparation Zoom meeting that we gently request you to attend.

    Integration is key to all transformative experiences. We offer complimentary integration calls post retreat and are available by text or phone call (within reason) in the days following the retreat. About 1 month after each retreat container, we offer a group integration Zoom call as well.

    We have an extensive list of "plant medicine friendly" therapists and practitioners that can support you long term. Available upon request.

Head Facilitators

  • Paije Alexandra West

    ETÉREO Founder | Bwiti Initiate

  • Fletcher Burdick

    ETÉREO Co-Founder | Q’ero Initiate

  • Ixchel Kinloch

    Medicine Woman | Bwiti Initiate

Our team is a carefully curated group of initiated ceremonial facilitators, medical professionals, and therapeutic specialists, dedicated to holding your iboga journey with expertise, safety, and deep reverence. Rooted in the Bwiti tradition, our facilitators guide each ceremony with wisdom and integrity, honoring the lineage of the medicine.

Our licensed medical team, including a pharmacist, nurse, and on-call specialists, ensures your physical safety throughout the retreat, while our therapeutic experts, specializing in trauma, somatics, and integration, provide personalized psychological support before, during, and after your experience. Together, we create a sacred and structured space where you are fully held, allowing the medicine to do its work in a deeply supported and intentional way.

Medical Support

Amanda Szopinski, Pharmacist
Amy Hunt, RN
Maddie Iott, RN

Consulting Cardiologist

Prep & Integration

Violet Sarosi, LCSW
Julianne Chapman, LCSW
Christina Faidas, MFT, IFS Specialist
Rachel Rose, Somatic Experiencing


Bri McCurdy
Christina Brewer
Chris Brewer
Samuel Milton

What People Are Saying

“Where do I begin... let's start with the word grateful.... grateful for Paije and Fletcher (and their team) to have rattled and awoken the truth I knew I had inside. They did so by not letting finances be an issue. They knew I had been looking for this medicine. I had a deep calling for it and they sensed this and did not let money stand in the way of the truth. We agreed to a payment plan and then I became stoked! Stoked that my longing for this medicine was finally about to happen. The cherry on top was the ceremony took place on my birthday. I became a changed person on this day. I was rebirthed on my birthday. What a present!

I needed something to change. I was depressed, suicidal and self loathing. The medicine showed me my truth and showed me the path of least resistance to my highest self. The days to come would be filled with conversations I never thought I could have with an individual, joining manifesting workshops and executing projects I have put off for years. Not to mention the absolute adoration I felt for myself. I felt, and still feel, like a newborn baby with such a fresh perspective on life again. My husband and child see the change and couldn't be happier.

Thank you for giving me back my life! Thank you for my soul journey! Thank you for continuing to show the truth through integration. BASSÉ!”


“Earlier this year, attended an Iboga ceremony at a women’s retreat organized by Paije and her team. Having been in many plant ceremonies in the past I was struck by how luxurious the facilities were and the care they put in every detail. Once the journey began, I couldn’t be more grateful for all of the care and comforts that allowed me to rest and process while in a very vulnerable state. I felt guided with gentleness and respect by everyone, especially Paije and Ixchel who were always available and attentive with their wisdom and clear guidance, while giving me ample space to process on my own. The whole process was extremely vulnerable for me, I felt humbled (and tumbled) by the medicine, but I always felt safe and cared for. I could tell Paije, Ixchel and their assistants took their job and the medicine very seriously and knew the way it works on the mind and soul levels, which gave me comfort in difficult moments. I could see how deeply they are committed to the Bwiti path and wisdom that holds it all together.

Fletcher was present and supportive with his gentle and respectful presence in key moments (and offering support in my mother language, Spanish!) And Paul fed us with nourishing and rich foods.  It was a powerful retreat, it’s taking me a long time to integrate it, but I feel I shed years and years of pain and grief, which is allowing me to get more clear on who I am, without all the extra emotional weight. What a relief! I will come back to this medicine when Im ready to go to the next level.

I feel so much respect for Paije’s work and her dedication to being impeccable in her transmission and guidance while holding space for such life changing medicine. Thank you! Bassé!

— ALE, 2024